Mengubah Nias Melalui Pendidikan

Melanggar siklus kemiskinan dan membangun masa depan yang lebih cerah untuk Pulau Nias

Tantangan yang Dihadapkan oleh Nias

Populasi pulau bergulat dengan tingkat kemiskinan yang tinggi, pencapaian pendidikan yang rendah, dan kehamilan remaja.

Kurang pendidikan
A group of children sitting at wooden desks in a classroom environment. They are focused on writing with pens, and wearing green uniforms. The room appears well-lit with natural light coming through a window.
A group of children sitting at wooden desks in a classroom environment. They are focused on writing with pens, and wearing green uniforms. The room appears well-lit with natural light coming through a window.

Lebih dari 38% anak-anak tidak bersekolah, sementara banyak orang dewasa hanya memiliki pendidikan dasar.

A group of people, including children and adults, stand outdoors in front of a yellow and red building. The children are in school uniforms, holding books, and some adults are smiling and making peace signs. The setting appears to be a school, with flags visible on the building and an open area with grass in the foreground.
A group of people, including children and adults, stand outdoors in front of a yellow and red building. The children are in school uniforms, holding books, and some adults are smiling and making peace signs. The setting appears to be a school, with flags visible on the building and an open area with grass in the foreground.
A group of children sitting in a row on a concrete step, each holding a booklet. The children are wearing a school uniform of green checked dresses, with the exception of one child wearing a blue and orange t-shirt. They are seated outside a school building with a brown and yellow exterior.
A group of children sitting in a row on a concrete step, each holding a booklet. The children are wearing a school uniform of green checked dresses, with the exception of one child wearing a blue and orange t-shirt. They are seated outside a school building with a brown and yellow exterior.
Kemiskinan Antargenerasi

Sekitar 16,92% hingga 26,42% dari populasi Nias hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan.

Kehamilan remaja dan pranikah adalah umum, dengan meningkatnya jumlah keluarga orang tua tunggal.

Penurunan Moral

Memberdayakan Komunitas Melalui Pendidikan Berkualitas

Dengan melengkapi pemuda yang kurang beruntung dengan keterampilan penting, kami bertujuan untuk mendorong mata pencaharian yang berkelanjutan dan memutus siklus kemiskinan.

A group of children stands outside holding notebooks with covers showing a logo and photographs. They are wearing school uniforms consisting of white shirts and green shorts or skirts. The setting appears to be a schoolyard with buildings and a clear sky in the background.
A group of children stands outside holding notebooks with covers showing a logo and photographs. They are wearing school uniforms consisting of white shirts and green shorts or skirts. The setting appears to be a schoolyard with buildings and a clear sky in the background.
Kami berusaha untuk mempromosikan mobilitas sosial dan memberdayakan komunitas Nias

Pusat Kristen Nias

Mengubah masyarakat melalui pendidikan berkualitas dan nilai-nilai moral.

Dampak Komunitas

Proyek kami berfokus pada penyediaan sumber daya pendidikan dan dukungan untuk mengangkat masyarakat, mendorong budaya belajar dan pembangunan etis untuk memerangi kemiskinan secara efektif.

A group of young children is seated on small stools outdoors in an alleyway, attentively engaged with an adult woman standing nearby who appears to be teaching or talking to them. The scene is surrounded by various elements such as potted plants, a water cooler, parked motorcycles, and an arrangement of colorful items in the background. The children are wearing matching uniforms with white shirts and dark overalls.
A group of young children is seated on small stools outdoors in an alleyway, attentively engaged with an adult woman standing nearby who appears to be teaching or talking to them. The scene is surrounded by various elements such as potted plants, a water cooler, parked motorcycles, and an arrangement of colorful items in the background. The children are wearing matching uniforms with white shirts and dark overalls.
Pemimpin Masa Depan

Kami memelihara pemimpin masa depan dengan menawarkan program bimbingan, lokakarya, dan beasiswa, memastikan bahwa setiap anak memiliki akses ke pendidikan berkualitas dan kesempatan untuk sukses.

Pembaruan Proyek

Pembangunan gedung sekolah utama telah dimulai.

MOU ditandatangani antara K-PACT Indonesia dan Evangel Global Missions.

Desember 2024
Agustus, 2024